health tips 5 mistakes that damage liver know what to do

health tips 5 mistakes that damage liver know what to do

Liver Health Mistakes :Liver is the most precious and essential organ of our body. It can protect itself from damage and regenerate. If the liver is taken proper care of, it can never grow old. Whatever we eat, the liver filters its nutrients and sends them to the rest of the body and removes the waste. However, some of our mistakes can damage this powerful organ. In such a situation, these mistakes should be avoided. Let us know about 5 such mistakes which may seem minor but can badly affect the liver.

How does the liver get damaged?

Early signs of liver damage

1. Yellowness in skin and eyes i.e. jaundice

2. Recurring problems of stomach pain and swelling

3. Dark yellow color of urine

4. Feeling full, bloated and not feeling like eating food

5. Swelling in feet or ankles: Increase in uric acid means swelling.

6. Feeling tired all the time

5 mistakes that damage liver

1. Drinking too much alcohol can cause serious damage to the liver. Therefore one should stay away from it.

2. Taking medicines without thinking is also dangerous. It affects the liver.

3. Cigarettes, vaping, hookah, khaini or any kind of tobacco can harm health. This can cause swelling and injuries in the liver.

4. Excessive consumption of refined sugar or high sugar food can destroy the liver. Due to this, fat starts accumulating in the liver which is the cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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