As soon as night fell, a strange noise came from under the house, the frightened woman called the police, she was shocked to know the truth!

As soon as night fell, a strange noise came from under the house, the frightened woman called the police, she was shocked to know the truth!

Night is the time when even small noises start becoming more noticeable to us because everything remains quiet in the dark. Imagine if during this time you start hearing some strange sounds, what will be your condition? The same thing happened with an American woman, who got scared and complained to the police.

According to the report of Oddity Central, as soon as it started getting dark, the woman started hearing strange sounds coming from the house. This sound was especially heard from downstairs in the house, the reason for which was shocking. You will also be stunned to hear this incident that happened in Los Angeles because it was much scarier than the woman thought it to be.

Strange noises would come from the house as soon as night fell.
A 93-year-old woman lived in El Sereno, Los Angeles. For the last few weeks, he had been hearing some strange noises coming from below his house. During the day he was not aware of it but at night the noise increased as if some animal was present under the house. The woman also felt that there was only a place to lie down under the house, so perhaps a dog or some other animal was present there. Meanwhile, one day this sound became louder and the woman got scared. He immediately called the police.

It was not an animal, this was the truth of the voice…
After receiving information about the incident, the police remained there for hours. They sent police dogs inside, but no one came out. Then they also released tear gas, but no one came out. After many efforts, finally a man came out of that place, who had no clothes on his body. The woman was shocked to know that he had been living in the space below Sereno’s house for 6 months.

Tags: Bizarre news, trending news, Viral news

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