What will happen if the world’s population is halved Know its benefits or disadvantages

What will happen if the world’s population is halved Know its benefits or disadvantages

The world’s population is increasing rapidly. According to the US Census Bureau, the total world population as of January 1, 2024 was 8.02 billion. But the question is that if the world’s population suddenly halves, what will be the benefits and disadvantages. Today we will tell you what harm occurs due to reduction in population.

total world population

According to media reports, the world’s population is increasing rapidly. According to the US Census Bureau, the total population of the world as of January 1, 2024 was 8.02 billion. But it is also true that there are many countries in the world which are worried due to low fertility rates. Russia’s name also appears in the list of these countries.

Disadvantages of population increase and decrease

Now the question is what harm occurs due to increase in population across the world. Let us tell you that unemployment also starts increasing due to excessive increase or decrease in population. In fact, due to decreasing population, the number of new age people is decreasing. In such a situation, as the number of young entrepreneurs and youth population decreases, employment opportunities also decrease. In this situation, people plan to go to other countries in search of employment, that is, migration starts.

impact on military force

Decreasing population of the world also affects the military force. Because in simple language, due to less population, new children are not born and the fertility rate is low. Due to which the number of elderly people starts increasing there. Which impacts the army of that country. Because again a large number of new young people do not join the army.

impact on the economy

If the world’s population decreases, it will affect the economy as well. Because due to the decreasing population in the world, the government will have to provide retirement funds for the increasing number of elderly people. Apart from this, health related schemes will have to be started. Which will have a direct impact on the government treasury of different countries. At the same time, due to decrease in population, there will be less number of young entrepreneurs and workers in all the countries and it will also be visible at the global level. Not only this, inflation also increases rapidly in countries with decreasing population.

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