Mufasa OTT Release Date: The film Mufasa The Lion King, which was a hit at the box office worldwide, has earned around Rs 140 crore in India too. This film is at number one in the list of top 3 highest grossing Hollywood films in India in the year 2024. So, it has reached ninth place in terms of earnings worldwide.
The viewers who have not seen the film yet are waiting for the OTT release of the film. However, the makers of the film have not yet announced its digital release date. But still there are speculations that this film is going to be available to the audience on OTT very soon.
When can Mufasa be released on OTT?
If we look at the schedule of recently released films, producers keep a gap of at least 100 days between the OTT release and theatrical release of the film. This film was released on 20 December. Accordingly, it can be released on OTT in March or April.
Before this, Disney’s film The Little Mermaid was shown on OTT after 103 days. This film has also been made by Walt Disney. So it is expected that this film can also be released in the next few months. Let us tell you that it has been made by Disney, so the film will be released on their OTT platform only.
Mufasa’s worldwide earnings
Mufasa has earned about 470 million dollars worldwide. If we convert it into Indian Rupees then it reaches around Rs 4028 crores. This film is still making good collections at the box office.
Mufasa is very special
Amazing background music has been used in this film of about two hours. Amazing work has been done in the film in terms of animation, after watching which you will get lost in a different world. Mufasa in the Hindi version of the film Shahrukh Khan Has given his voice due to which people are also feeling connected to the film. The visuals of the film have been kept in such a way that while watching the film you will not feel that you are in a false world.