This sweet was served in the royal meal at Prithviraj Chauhan’s wedding, it has been ruling for 100 years, the fragrance attracts people

This sweet was served in the royal meal at Prithviraj Chauhan’s wedding, it has been ruling for 100 years, the fragrance attracts people

JaipurSambar city, famous for the taste of salt, is also very famous for Feeni. The taste of Phini made here is quite amazing. Even the foreign guests coming here do not leave without tasting this sweet, many even take this sweet abroad with them. This traditional sweet is so tasty and good that this sweet was served to the guests during the royal meal at the wedding of Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan.

Made from juicy thin strings of flour, this Phini is prepared only in a special climate, due to which its demand increases in the country and abroad on New Year and Makar Sankranti. Every person who comes to Sambhar city remains without tasting the sweets here. The work of making sweet Phini has been done here for years. As soon as they enter the market, the people coming here start smelling its sweet smell. Hawai Ramchandra, who is traditionally involved in making ‘Pheeni’, said that one ‘Pheeni’ weighs 20 grams. To make this, the prepared flour is beaten. It is fitted with 216 frets in a round of 6 each, resulting in thousands of juicy strings in one fret.

Feeni was the first choice of the King Maharajas of Jaipur.
Confectioner Ramchandra told that this is a sweet more than 100 years old. When Sambhar city used to be the capital of Jaipur and Jodhpur royal families, there was a huge trade of feni here. At that time, people used to taste the fragrance in every auspicious event. Confectioner Ramchandra told that Phini is being made since the time of his grandfather and great grandfather. Kings and Maharajas were very fond of Sambhar. This sweet was served to the guests during the royal meal at the wedding of Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan.

FIRST PUBLISHED: January 7, 2025, 12:41 IST

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