Why there was a decline of one crore in the admissions of Indian schools know in which year the maximum admissions took place

Why there was a decline of one crore in the admissions of Indian schools know in which year the maximum admissions took place

A shocking report has come out regarding the education system of the country. A huge shortage has been recorded in schools in the UDISE Plus Report 2023-24 of the Education Ministry. Let us tell you that there has been a decrease of 37 lakh in the number of admissions across the country. Now the question is that when there has been such a decrease in the year 2023-24, then in which year the maximum admissions took place. Today we will tell you about it.

Huge decline in school admissions

The falling number of students in the country is emerging as a big challenge for the education sector. The report of UDISE Plus Report 2023-24 has highlighted various social and economic reasons. According to the data, the number of students was 25.17 crore in 2022-23, which decreased to 24.80 crore in 2023-24. That means the number of students taking admission in schools has decreased by 37 lakhs in one year.

Decrease in admission of both boys and girls in schools

According to statistics, the number of both boys and girls taking admission in schools is less. According to the report, the number of students taking admission in 2023-24 has decreased by 21 lakh boys and 16 lakh girls. At the same time, the total representation of minority students has been around 20 percent, which includes 79.6 percent Muslims, 10 percent Christians, 6.9 percent Sikhs, 2.2 percent Buddhists, 1.3 percent Jains and 0.1 percent Parsis.

This year’s report was better

Let us tell you that the report of the year 2023 was better in terms of taking admission of students. According to the report that year, 98.4% children were going to school in the villages of India. Whereas in 2018 this figure was 97.2%. According to the report that year, the number of students taking admission in private schools had decreased. At the same time, enrollment of children in government schools had increased.

Demand for private tuition increased during Covid

Reports show that the quality of education had fallen during the Corona epidemic. According to the Annual Status of Education Report 2022, at that time about 31% of children in private and government schools were dependent on private tuition. Bihar was at the forefront in this matter, where 71.5% and 74% children in West Bengal were dependent on tuition. However, these figures were the result of a survey conducted at that time on 7 lakh children in 19,060 villages in 616 districts.

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