child care tips does oil massage really strengthen baby bones know facts

child care tips does oil massage really strengthen baby bones know facts

Oil Massage for Baby Bones: In our homes, babies are massaged right from birth. Grandmothers say that for the health of the child, he should be massaged in the morning and evening. This strengthens his bones and also improves their growth. Not only this, by massaging, children’s legs become stronger and they start walking quickly. But does oil massage really strengthen the bones of the newborn or are these things said just like that? Let us know the whole truth about this…

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Does oil massage strengthen bones?
Health experts say that oil massage does not provide any benefit to the bones. This is a tradition going on in homes, there is no scientific evidence for it. Those people who think that by not doing massage (Oil Massage for Baby), the bones of children do not become strong and they are not able to walk quickly, they should understand that it is not because of massaging the child but because of genetic pattern, nutrition. Let’s move according to development.

So why not massage children with oil?
Experts say that to strengthen the bones of children, the mother should take food rich in nutrients. Whatever the mother eats has a direct impact on the growth of the child. Massaging with oil improves body movement and increases flexibility. Since the skin of children is very delicate, massage with some oil can also cause infection. In some homes, there is a tradition of putting oil in the nose and ears, which can cause fungal infection.

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Is oil massage beneficial for children or not?

1. Oil massage is very beneficial for children, it improves the quality of their sleep.
2. Blood circulation improves.
3. Circulation of oxygen and nutrients increases in the cells.
4. Stress is reduced

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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