year 2023 1 full month is about to pass. The whole world has started doing new things in the new year with new enthusiasm. But there is a country on this earth which is still living in the year 2015. Here ‘living in the year 2015’ does not mean being behind in technology and modernity, but the year 2015 is still going on in this country’s calendar. Even where in the whole world there is a year of 12 months, whereas in this country a year of 13 months is celebrated. Let us know which is this unique country.
Why does the Ethiopian calendar go backwards
The name of the country we are talking about is Ethiopia. The year 2015 is still going on in Ethiopia. It is an African country which is lagging behind the world by almost 7 years. In this country, 1 year is completed in 13 months instead of 12. The biggest thing is that the people here have also followed this system for centuries and are still doing it today. Therefore, if you want to do time travel and want to go back in time, then you must visit Ethiopia once.
How is Ethiopia doing 7 years behind
Its calendar is responsible for Ethiopia running 7 years behind. Actually, the calendar here is different from the calendar of the whole world. The people of Ethiopia use the calendar made by Julius Caesar. That’s why in this country there is 1 year of 13 months instead of 12 and this country is 7 years behind compared to the rest of the world. In fact, when the whole world made and accepted the Gregorian calendar as its base, then Ethiopia refused to accept this calendar and started following the Julian calendar created by Julius Caesar.
who started the gregorian calendar
The one which is accepted by the whole world is called the Gregorian calendar. It was started by Pope Gregory 13th in the year 1582. He made this calendar by improving the Julian calendar and declared January 1 as the first day of the new year. This calendar is applicable all over the world, but Ethiopia alone refused to accept it and remained adamant on following the old Julian calendar.
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