Journey of taste: Black carrot improves digestion by improving eyesight, learn interesting history

Journey of taste: Black carrot improves digestion by improving eyesight, learn interesting history


Black carrots started growing in Afghanistan in the ninth century.
Kanji made from black carrots improves the digestive system of the stomach.
Consumption of black carrot also keeps the nervous system fit.

Taste of Travel: As soon as winter comes, carrots also come in spring. Its confluence with chopped tomato, radish is beneficial for health. If you want, slit the whole carrot, sprinkling chaat masala and lemon on it, the fun of eating is different. Now soon black carrots will also be visible. Kanji is made from this carrot and it is a special drink of India. Black carrot is also excellent in properties. It keeps Alzheimer’s (forgetfulness) at bay and also keeps the body’s digestive system fit. The specialty of this carrot is that sugar patients can eat it without hesitation. The history of common carrot is thousands of years old. The black carrot is born after that.

black carrots great for stomach

A delicious salad is made from common carrots, it is also used as a vegetable. Potato-carrot-fenugreek curry is famous all over India. Although black carrot can also be eaten in the form of salad, but its taste is slightly astringent, unlike red carrot. It leaves amazing color. If you cut it and eat it, it will not only leave color on your hands, it will also blacken your tongue. But the kanji made of this black carrot is unique. A different kind of sour and pungent taste is rarely found in any beverage.

Black carrot is cut and filled with water in a jar, along with ground mustard seeds, salt and red chillies, it is left in the sun for a few days. The black colored kanji that is made after that is not only unique in taste, but also beneficial for the stomach. This Kanji improves the digestive system of the stomach and gives relief from constipation.

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Red carrot came from India, black carrot came from Afghanistan

If we talk about common carrot, it is said that thousands of years ago it used to grow in forests. After that its cultivation started. The origin of carrot is believed to be at different places. Indian-American botanist Sushma Naithani believes that the center of its origin is the Central Asiatic Center, which includes Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan besides northwestern India. On the other hand, Dr. Bishwajit Chowdhary, author and senior scientist of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, has given information in his book ‘VEGETABLES’ that the origin of carrot is the hills of Punjab and Kashmir. Where in some areas even today its wild breeds are grown.

By the way, it is confirmed that carrots were being grown and eaten in India before 1000 BC, the reason for this is that the characteristics of carrots are described in the Ayurvedic text ‘Charaksamhita’ written during that period. There are many claims about when the orange carrot turned black. But most food historians believe that black carrots started growing in Afghanistan in the 9th century.

Its intake keeps obesity away

Black carrot is full of qualities. Not only is it beneficial for the body, it also protects against many common diseases. Talking about nutrients, half a cup of raw black carrots has calories 40, total fat 0.2 grams, sodium 69 milligrams, iron 0.30 milligrams, sugar 4.7 grams, calcium 33 milligrams, carbohydrate 9.6 grams, fiber 2.8 grams, potassium 320 milligrams, protein 0.9. Apart from gram, copper, vitamin A, vitamin C etc. are found. According to well-known dietician Dr. Anita Lamba, special elements found in carrots keep Alzheimer’s (forgetfulness) at bay. Since it contains soluble fiber, it is also considered beneficial for the digestive system.

black carrots

Black carrots are helpful in providing relief from chronic diseases such as arthritis and joint pain. Image-Canva

It is solid, but soft from inside, so when eaten in normal quantity, it makes the stomach full. Since there is negligible fat in it, it also does not allow obesity. Some of the active substances present in black carrots have anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) properties, as well as antioxidant abilities, which are helpful in relieving chronic diseases such as arthritis and joint pain.

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Also considered better for eyesight

According to Dr. Anita Nagpal, carrots have long been known for their supply of beta-carotene (a vitamin beneficial to the eyes). Its intake maintains better eyesight. It can also slow down the development of cataracts. It is believed that black carrots have cancer prevention properties, but research is still needed on this. Black carrot juice gives an instant boost to antioxidants in the morning. This antioxidant prevents clot formation in the blood and increases platelets. This bed also does not allow cholesterol to grow. All these reasons benefit the heart system. Its use also keeps the nervous system fit. There is no major side effect of consuming black carrots, but if eaten in excess, it causes flatulence. Excessive consumption of black carrot kanji can cause loose motion problems.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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