How Blood Groups Affect Your Body What Is The Connection Between Blood Group And Health Which Blood Group Is Prone To Which Disease

How Blood Groups Affect Your Body What Is The Connection Between Blood Group And Health Which Blood Group Is Prone To Which Disease

Blood Groups And Healths: Crores of people in the world belong to the same blood group. But this does not mean at all that they are related to each other! Because blood groups are counted, but the population of the world is around 800 crores. Even if we do not have any relation with an unknown person due to being of the same blood group, but in a special case people of the same blood group connect each other and that is health. Many such diseases have been categorized in medical science, which are more common in people of the same blood group.

This blood type has a higher risk of stomach cancer

People with blood groups A, B and AB have a higher risk of pancreatic cancer than those with other blood groups. While people with blood group O have a lower risk of developing cancer of the pancreas as compared to people with other blood groups. You can read this study in detail here.

higher risk of heart stroke

Based on a research-based report published on the medical news site Medscape, a study conducted on 17,000 people has revealed that people with A blood group have the highest risk of having a heart stroke before the age of 60. . People who have blood group A have a 16 percent higher risk of early stroke. Whereas in people with O blood group, this risk is reduced by 12 percent.

People of O blood group are at risk of this

In the case of stomach cancer and early heart stroke, people with O blood group may be lucky as compared to other blood groups. But the number of these people comes first and foremost in diseases caused by stomach ulcers and especially Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Intestinal ulcers, gastric ulcers, stomach infections are very common due to this bacteria.

This thing has also come to the fore in the research. That almost half of the population in the world may be suffering from this Helicobacter pylori bacteria. But the special thing is that it does not show symptoms of disease in everyone’s body. Or does not harm them. Whereas, some people often have problems with abdominal pain, weight loss, nausea, indigestion and bloating. If the situation worsens, this bacteria can also become the cause of stomach cancer.

Problems in pregnancy and blood group

In a research published in The Guardian, it has been revealed that compared to blood group A and B, women with blood group O have to face pregnancy related problems more. This is due to follicle stimulating hormone. Due to which eggs are made in less quantity. In a separate study on the same subject, it has been revealed that compared to blood group A and O, the success rate of IVAP treatment is very high in women with blood group B.

mental illness and memory

According to a research based report published in Medical News Today, people with AB blood group have the highest risk of mental illness and memory related diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia in old age as compared to people with any blood group A, B or O. It happens. If we talk in percentage, then there are 82 percent more chances of having mental health related problems.

diabetes and blood group

In the case of sugar, not much can be done about Type-1 because Diabetes Type-1 is a matter related to heredity. While avoiding diabetes type-2 is completely in our hands. According to a study, the risk of diabetes type-2 to A and B blood groups is up to 20 percent higher than that of blood group O.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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