Man eating McDonalds three times a day for 100 days and losing weight

Man eating McDonalds three times a day for 100 days and losing weight

Losing Weight By Eating Burger and Fries: Increasing weight becomes a problem for everyone. Man makes every effort to reduce his weight. Some people resort to healthy diet and exercise for this, while there are some people who lose weight in non-traditional ways. One such person lost weight by eating McDonald’s burgers and fries instead of losing weight with a low carb diet.

According to the report of the Daily Star, former wrestler Kevin Maginnis has included only and only McDonald’s food from breakfast to dinner to reduce his increased weight. He named this weight loss mantra as “French fries to fit guys”. Kevin, who lives in Nashville, Tennessee, based his weight loss of 108 kg on the things that people consider the most unhealthy.

weirdest weight loss plan
Kevin Maginis, 56, told in a Tiktok video that on February 21, he had decided that he had to reduce his weight, which had reached 108 kg. For this, he decided to eat only the things made in McDonald’s for the next 100 days. He also saw many healthy options to eat there, but he did not go to any of them. According to Kevin, the quantity of food matters more than the quality of food. Kevin, a former wrestler and military man, reduced calories to lose weight.

Lose weight by eating burger and fries
Kevin started his journey with McMuffins and hash browns but gradually switched to burgers and fries. They didn’t eat everything, but only half of the food. He used to drink water instead of soda. By the 10th day of his diet, he had reduced his weight by about 6 kg, in such a way it was known that his diet plan can reduce weight.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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