Real life story how do i make my wife feel loved happy

Real life story how do i make my wife feel loved happy

Maintaining the warmth in married life is a big challenge for most Indian couples. After a few years of marriage, boredom sets in. The priority of both men and women starts changing. But, a woman herself has shared her experience. She told that it has been almost 5 years since her marriage, but there are some such actions of her husband which make her very happy even today. She is thrilled by his antics. Although, she says that it is not possible for any human being to be happy all the time, but she feels secure with her husband. They feel that there is someone in the form of husband who is taking care of them. is supporting them. Such feeling is the biggest feeling for every woman.

Actually, this whole story is a real life story. One Woman Has written a long post about this on the Quora website. He has shared this whole story as an anonymous user. She says that she and her husband want to keep their personal life private. That’s why she is not putting this post in her name. She writes that about five years ago she boyfriend was married with. I was 31 and he was 30. We are leading a happy married life. I like many activities of my husband the most. His actions make me happy from inside. I get excited I want my husband to be like this antics keep doing He has written the heading of this entire post – I am happy when…

I am happy when…
1. He looks at me then looks around to see if anyone is watching and then does a flying kiss.
2. He holds me in his arms when I feel sad or tired.
3. He asks every night that everything is fine, or is there anything you want to say to me.
4. When there is a slight change in my mood, he asks if there is any problem. Is everything fine?
5. He hugs me in his arms and kisses me profusely when I least expect it.
6. When it arouses desire in me both physically and intellectually.
7. When there is any happiness, he dances with me.
8. After drinking alcohol he surrounds me and tells that I take care of you.
9. He takes care of my dreams and ambitions and keeps me motivated.
10. When he treats my parents with utmost respect.
11. When he jokes that he married me because of my big boobs.
12. When he gives me the personal space I need and encourages me to go out with my friends.
13. When he says ‘I love you’ Marrying you was the best decision of my life.

Users commented a lot
Users commented a lot on this answer of the woman. It has also been asked in this comment whether you also do something similar to please your husband. The answer to this has also been written by the woman. She writes- Of course I try too. We are in a relationship like a team. I also make her feel my love. Although relationships I don’t always apply tit for tat or 50-50 formula. We do not believe that we complete each other, rather we treat each other as a complete human being. Our role is to support each other’s life, bring warmth and fill it with happiness.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, relationship

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