Chinese student celebrates graduation in kung fu style goes viral

Chinese student celebrates graduation in kung fu style goes viral

Getting a degree for any student is the biggest moment in his life. This moment comes after studying for many years. Every student wants to settle it in his life. These days a video of England’s University of Roehampton is going viral on social media. In the graduation ceremony, a 24-year-old Chinese student took a degree in Kungfu style. Its video is being liked a lot.

Every student wants his graduation ceremony to be special and memorable. But today the Chinese student about whom we are going to tell adopted such a method that it went viral. The girl went viral because of one of her acts. This viral video was captured at the University of Roehampton, UK. It has been viewed millions of times so far. In this, Chen Ining, who lives in Beijing, took a degree in Kungfu style.

Viral on Chinese social media
According to the report of The South China Morning Post, Chen had practiced a lot for this. After her name was called, Chen came forward very confidently and flipped and reached the professor. After getting her degree, Chen went back to China. There Chen uploaded this video on the Chinese social media site Douyin, from where it went viral.

Tags: Trending, Weird news

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