Liquor haram in islam, quran but mughal badshah jahangir addicted to alcohol, he was more cruel than aurangzeb

Liquor haram in islam, quran but mughal badshah jahangir addicted to alcohol, he was more cruel than aurangzeb

Islam was described as a very scientific religion at the time of its origin, but in later times, the so-called rulers and clerics interpreted it according to their convenience. There are many such things in it which have been called haram. It has been declared taboo for the common people. But, the people of the government and influential class kept on using it by distorting it according to their convenience. The same is the case with the consumption of alcohol in Islam. Not only today but since the time of the founders of the Mughal period, the emperors used to consume a lot of alcohol. Rivers of liquor used to flow in his court. Today the story of a ruler who used to drink up to 20 glasses of alcohol in a day.

Yes, you are reading right. Jahangir, the great-grandson of Babur, the founder of the Mughal dynasty, was such an emperor who wrote a lot about himself. Although there was no big achievement in his name. He could not get any major victory. But he was fond of women and alcohol. In his own autobiography, he has written that he used to drink up to 20 glasses of alcohol at a time. 14 glasses during the day and 6 glasses at night. Later he brought it down to six glasses.

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got used to it
Jahangir himself writes that when he was 18 years old, he went hunting one day. He was tired. Someone told him to take alcohol, his tiredness will go away. He did so and felt very good. Then he started drinking regularly and became an addict. It is even said that both the other brothers of Jahangir were also alcoholics and both of them died due to alcohol.

Jahangir’s great grandfather Babur also used to drink a lot of alcohol. His father Akbar himself used to drink alcohol. It is even said that when Jahangir’s son Shah Jahan turned 24 and he did not drink even a drop of alcohol till then, Jahangir could not imagine how this could happen.

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very strong ruler
Historians claim that Jahangir’s relationship with his father Akbar was not good. Jahangir got Akbar’s close friend and his biographer Abul Fazl killed in order to become the emperor. At that time, Jahangir got him murdered at the hands of Raja Veer Singh Dev of Orchha. Abul Fazl was returning from Deccan to Agar when he was attacked. Akbar fainted after hearing this incident. He felt very sad instead of angry at this act of his son, but at that time Akbar was getting old. Jahangir himself has mentioned this incident in his book and said that he had done so. However, he clarifies that he had no personal enmity with Abul Fazl. His only aim was to become the emperor and if Abul Fazal had reached the court, he might not have become the emperor. Later Abul Fazl’s son remained a trusted minister of Jahangir.

Jahangir was worthless in the eyes of Abul Fazl
Historians tell that in the eyes of Abul Fazl, Jahangir did not have the qualities of a good ruler. In such a situation, Jahangir felt that due to the presence of Abul Fazl in the court, his dream of becoming an emperor could be shattered.

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Jahangir became the emperor after Akbar’s death.
It is said about Jahangir that he was a cruel emperor. The story of his cruelty is well known. Once he buried a maidservant of his Begum in the ground. Because of cutting a plant of Champa, he got the thumb of a servant cut off. He even got his son Khusro’s eyes gouged out instead of giving him the death sentence for his rebellion. However, later he also got his son treated. But, his eyesight never came back. After Akbar’s death on 17 October 1605, Jahangir became the emperor.

married to Noorjahan
Jahangir married Noorjahan at the age of 42. At that time Noorjahan was 34 years old. The stories of the love of both became very popular. Jahangir looks very romantic person at this time. Jahangir died on 28 October 1627. Then Shah Jahan became the emperor in his place. After him, his son Aurangzeb became the emperor, who is said to be a very cruel ruler.

Tags: Ajab ajab news, Mughal Emperor

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