Gemology Mercury Planet Gemstone Emerald Know Characteristics And Effects Of Panna Wear On Wednesday

Gemology Mercury Planet Gemstone Emerald Know Characteristics And Effects Of Panna Wear On Wednesday

Astrology for Emerald Gemstone: In astrology, Mercury has been considered the factor of knowledge. The planet Mercury develops knowledge, intelligence, scholarship, the ability to debate and the ability to take decisions. The planet Mercury is known as the lord of Virgo and Gemini. To strengthen or balance the planet Mercury in the horoscope, astrologers recommend wearing Emerald.

Gemstones have an important contribution in life. Gemstones give auspicious results in your life by pacifying the adverse effects of planets. In astrology and gemology, 9 main gems and 84 sub-jewels have been told. One of these is Emerald Gem, which is a very effective gem. It is auspicious to wear it on Wednesday. Let us know the merits of Emerald stone and for whom this stone is auspicious.

Features of Panna Gemstone

  • Emerald is the gem of Mercury and wearing it gives auspicious results related to the planet Mercury.
  • It is believed that if someone wears an emerald, he will definitely get benefits. But according to the position of the planets in the horoscope, it is better to wear emerald.
  • By wearing emerald gemstone, there is a lot of progress in job and business.
  • People who have aspects of Saturn, Mars, Rahu-Ketu and other enemy planets in their horoscope also get benefit from wearing emerald.
  • Wearing emerald increases concentration in a person and improves memory. That’s why it is beneficial for the students to wear Emerald stone.
  • People associated with art field like drama, music, painting etc. also get success in their career by wearing Emerald.
  • If there are repeated obstacles in any work, then wearing emerald removes these obstacles.

Who should wear Panna stone?

  • If there is Mahadasha or Antardasha of Mercury in the horoscope then it is considered good to wear emerald.
  • If Mercury is the lord of any of the 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 houses in the birth chart and is in the sixth house from itself, then emerald should be worn.
  • Emerald can be worn even if the planet Mercury is in Pisces in one’s horoscope.
  • Since emerald is the gem of planet Mercury and Mercury is the lord of Virgo and Gemini. That’s why wearing emerald is auspicious and fruitful for people having Gemini and Virgo ascendant horoscope.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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