Fire exit england man name change to fire exit gets trolled

Fire exit england man name change to fire exit gets trolled

There are many people in the world who do not like the name that their parents keep for them. In such a situation, they change it later. Some people change their name for other personal reasons as well and keep a better or favorite name than before. But have you ever seen a person choosing such a name for himself (Man change name to Fire Exit) which is actually a human name and a guideline on the walls? A person from England did the same and now it is discussed a lot.

According to the report of the Mirror website, 41-year-old Deano Wilson, the father of 5 children, suddenly thought of changing his name during the Corona period. He did this just for fun, but after keeping the name he chose, he started getting a lot of recognition. Let us tell you what name Diano chose.

The person named himself ‘fire exit’ in fun. (Representational photo: Canva)

Shakespeare had said- ‘What’s in a name’. Proving this point, Diano has named himself Fire Exit. You must have seen those doors made in buildings which do not lead to the lift but lead to the stairs. It is written above these doors, Fire Exit, that is, choose this way to go out in case of fire. Now the person has officially named himself a fire exit by paying Rs.1400.

Troll started happening on social media
The fire exit told that this name was not of anyone, so since they have kept it, since then they are also getting its benefits. People get him signed at their shops. Not only this, many people offer him free drinks in the bar and once the barber cut his hair for free. He told that the reason for changing the name was just to give an opportunity to the family members to laugh, but ever since he changed the name, people have started trolling him a lot on social media.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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