Interesting Facts About Nepal Time Remains 15 Minutes Ahead Than India

Interesting Facts About Nepal Time Remains 15 Minutes Ahead Than India

Nepal: We can visit our neighboring country Nepal without any visa or passport. The culture of Nepal and its climate attract people from all over the world so much that often people keep coming here to visit. Nepal is the only country in the whole world, which has never been a slave of any country. This is the reason why even Independence Day is not celebrated here. You must be finding only this much information related to Nepal very interesting, so let us know some more interesting things about this country.

Nepal is the country with the largest number of heritage sites.

By the way, Nepal is a small country famous for mountaineering. But, apart from this, there are also 7 UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Sites within 15 km radius of the country’s capital Kathmandu city. Apart from this, Nepal also has four UNESCO recognized World Heritage Sites, giving it the status of the country with the largest number of heritage sites.

caste riots never happened

Ethnic riots have never happened in this small country with an area of ​​147,181 sq km. Being an old country of South Asia, 123 languages ​​are spoken in Nepal and 80 ethnic groups reside here. In this sense, there is a lot of peace here.

The only flag of Nepal remains in two triangle shape. It has a picture of the moon in the upper triangle and the sun representing Hinduism and Buddhism in the lower triangle. Along with this, it is said that this flag also represents the Himalayas.

time runs forward 15 minutes

We organize all our work by looking at the time in the clock. But, if you do any work in Nepal according to Indian time, then it may cost you dearly. Because, Nepal’s time is 15 minutes ahead of India. Yes, if you catch a train in Nepal according to Indian time, you will reach there 15 minutes after the departure of the train.

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