Follow These Tips To Take Best Cooling From Your Ac How To Take Best Cooling From Your Ac

Follow These Tips To Take Best Cooling From Your Ac How To Take Best Cooling From Your Ac

AC Maintenance Tips: The summer season has started and to get rid of it in a few days, people will start resorting to air conditioners and coolers. In such a situation, if you need an engineer to fix and service the AC. It is possible that due to heavy demand, they may not be able to come to fix your aisi on time or they may charge you more. That’s why we are going to tell you some important things, by adopting which not only can you avoid these problems, but your AC will also cool well in summer.

Do this work yourself in case of delay in servicing

If you want to get good cooling from AC, then it is important that you get it serviced on time. For which the beginning of the season is the best time, but if the service is not done due to some reason, you can also clean its filter yourself. Due to which the cooling of AC will increase. If the AC is window, then the filter is present in its rear part, if the AC is split then it will be present in its outdoor unit. The filter can also be easily cleaned with low pressure water.

clean the cooling coil

Cooling coil is also called cooling condenser. Even when it is dirty, the cooling of the AC gets reduced. In window AC it is right in front and in split AC it is inside the indoor unit. To clean it, it can be easily cleaned by removing the top cover and using a toothbrush.

avoid outdoor exposure to sunlight

Most of the people can be seen being careless in this matter, because most of the split ac outdoor can be seen kept in the sun. Actually when it starts getting hot and there is direct sunlight on the outdoor, which affects its cooling capacity. On the other hand, if the AC has become old, then its chances are high.

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