Wife’s dementia, so this billionaire is going for divorce, said – living together is no longer possible

Wife’s dementia, so this billionaire is going for divorce, said – living together is no longer possible

Porsche billionaire files for divorce: You must have heard all the stories of the divorce of the rich. If someone fell in love for the third time, he rejected the first love. So someone’s divorce proved to be so costly that headlines were made all over the world. Today we are going to tell you the story of another billionaire’s divorce. A report has claimed that Wolfgang Porsche, the owner of the company that manufactures Porsche cars, is going to divorce his wife. The only reason is that his wife of 74 years has got a disease like dementia. Health remains very bad and she cannot move without servants.

According to the New York Post report, sources close to the family say that 79-year-old Wolfgang Porsche has filed a claim in the court. He says that the health of wife Claudia is continuously declining. This disease has become unbearable for him. Now living with them has become impossible. Please tell that Wolfgang Porsche and Claudia were tied in marriage in 2019. The two had a very old relationship, and knew each other since 2007.

16 Appeal to end old relationship
Claudia has been an advisor to the government of Germany. But her health remains so bad that she cannot walk without help for months. For the last two years, he is dependent on his daughter and four domestic servants round the clock. Wolfgang has cited all these things in the court and has appealed to end their 16-year-old relationship. In the arguments, he said that due to illness, unexpected changes have come in his life. It is now finding it difficult for them to get out of it.

Growing closer to Gabriella Prinzessin
Meanwhile, it has been reported that Wolfgang Porsche is spending time again with 59-year-old Gabriella Prinzessin zu Leiningen. Both have known each other for more than two decades. Gabriella has been a Prinzesin princess. Gabriella has been divorced twice. In the year 1991, she married Prince Karl Emich of Leiningen. But after seven years the relationship broke up. A few months after divorcing Rajkumar, Gabriella married billionaire Aga Khan. This marriage lasted for 16 years and got divorced in 2014.

22 billion dollar wealth
The Porsche family has a net worth of $22 billion. His grandfather, Ferdinand Porsche Sr., was the founder of Porsche AG. Wolfgang Porsche is the youngest son of Ferdinand Porsche Jr. and Dorothea Reitz. He currently resides in Austria and is currently Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Porsche Automobile Holding SE as well as Chairman of Porsche AG. His first marriage took place in 1988 with director Susan Bessar. The marriage lasted long but got divorced in 2008. Both have two children. Claudia also has two children from Wolfgang Porsche.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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