Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms Causes Treatment Know How To Avoid This Problem

Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms Causes Treatment Know How To Avoid This Problem

Alcohol Poisoning: For some people any party or celebration is incomplete without alcohol. People keep looking for special occasions to drink alcohol. But do you know what physical problems you may have to face due to excessive drinking? If not, then today we will tell you how reckless consumption of alcohol can prove to be dangerous for your life. Doctors say that drinking excessive amount of alcohol in a short time can lead to alcohol poisoning.

How does alcohol harm?

According to the NHS, alcohol acts like drugs and affects your central nervous system badly. If alcohol is consumed for a long time, it can cause heavy damage to all the essential organs of the body including stomach, kidney, liver, heart etc. Doctors say that the rate of alcohol metabolism is different in everyone. A person can process about one unit of alcohol every hour. However, if you drink more alcohol than this and gulp down the entire bottle at one go, it will be difficult for the body to break it down.

Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

1. feeling dizzy and confused

2. vomit

3. get hypothermia

4. blue skin color

5. faint

According to health experts, alcohol depresses your nervous system. Therefore, you can also face serious problems, such as-

1. breathlessness or slow breathing

2. cardiac arrest due to hypothermia

3. Seizures due to low blood sugar level

What to do in alcohol poisoning?

1. If there is a patient of alcohol poisoning around you and you see that person becoming unconscious, do not leave him alone at all.

2. Help them to stand up in case of vomiting. Because if this is not done, the person may suffocate. If the vomit goes inside the lungs along with the breath, then it can stop the breath of the person and can lead to death.

3. Stay with the unconscious person until the ambulance arrives. Don’t leave them alone.

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