A huge meteorite will pass through the earth today! Waiting for a few more hours, NASA’s concern increased

A huge meteorite will pass through the earth today!  Waiting for a few more hours, NASA’s concern increased

The world of Space Secrets is full of all kinds of mysteries. Sometimes danger comes to the fore due to the movement of an Asteroid Coming to Earth, and sometimes a new star comes in the eyes of scientists. Recently, astronomers have issued a warning that a huge meteorite is moving towards the earth. The next one is going to pass very close to the earth tonight.

Talking about the size of this meteorite, scientists say that if 24 emu birds of average size are stacked one on top of the other, then it is as much as a tower to be built. Its diameter is 42 meters while the height is like a multistorey building. NASA’s concern has increased about it because it is included in the list of near earth objects.

will pass close to the Earth’s orbit
The meteorite which is going to pass through the earth was first seen by the scientists in the year 2012 and last time it came close to the earth in the year 2017. Once again tonight at 11.33 pm, it is expected to pass very close to the earth. According to the report of the Daily Star, a meteorite named 2022 YK4 will pass through a distance of just 4,495,416.015 kilometers from the Earth’s orbit. After today’s incident, the meteorite is going to increase the concern of scientists once again in May 2029. In January 2034 and again after 23 years in May 2057, it will pass very close to the Earth. After coming close to us for the last time in September, 2079, it will disappear in space.

Meteorites are constantly coming closer
Just now on March 25, a large meteorite named 2023 DZ2 had passed through a distance of 107,500 from the earth. If it had collided with the earth somewhere, its effect would have been as much as the atomic bomb falling on Nagasaki on the whole earth. Let us tell you that a meteorite is a small planet, which breaks into small pieces during the formation of a planet and starts revolving around the Sun. Out of these, some piece comes near the earth. Many asteroids are already burnt, so many times they have collided with the earth.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, space science, Viral news

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