How Long Huamn Can Live Know What Scientists Say About Human Age

How Long Huamn Can Live Know What Scientists Say About Human Age

How Long Human Can Live: Often our elders bless us to live for 100 years, but it is considered impossible for this blessing to come true. However, many people complete the age of 100 years and many people live even beyond 100 years. Now a question revolves in the mind that for how long can a person live? A lot of research was done on this topic and scientists also made different claims. Recently, scientists have made another shocking claim. Let us tell you in detail about this surprising claim.

How long can a person live?

Earlier research claimed that a person can live for about 120 years. But a woman living in France has proved this claim wrong. Yes, France’s Jean Calment (oldest human on earth) has passed beyond the age of 120 years. Jeanne Calment lived for 122 years and 164 days. No one had been able to reach this age for the last 25 years. But now scientists claim that the person has got so much capacity that he can live till the age of 140 years.

Till what age will men and women be able to live?

Researchers at the University of Georgia analyzed the lives of people born in Britain in 1880 to find out what is the truth. According to their estimates, men born in 1970 can live up to 141 years of age and women born in 1970 can live up to 131 years of age. So much capacity is visible in them. Now questions can be raised about how strong these estimates are.

rising age of death

According to study lead Dr. David McCarthy, it can be said with absolute certainty that a person born in 1940 can celebrate his 125th birthday. If she is a woman, she can celebrate her 124th birthday. This study has been done on people from 19 countries of Europe and America. It is said that in comparison to the 90s, most of the people are living longer at present. The results, published in the journal PLOS One, show that the age of death will increase exponentially in the coming decades. The oldest people born between 1910 and 1950 can live to 120 years or more.

read this also- Will humans become immortal in the coming 10 years? Scientist made shocking claim, this technology will play an important role

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