People pay money to see a person’s belly, demand is on adult site, earns money by showing stomach

People pay money to see a person’s belly, demand is on adult site, earns money by showing stomach

In today’s time, most people have become fitness conscious. As soon as they gain a little weight, they start doing diet and workouts. Everyone has realized that if you want to stay healthy then you have to control your weight. But have you ever seen such a person who is focusing on increasing his weight? We are talking about 46-year-old Brian Steele living in Florida, USA. The weight of this person is 158 kg at this time. But now he has to increase his weight by two hundred kilos.

Yes, the weight of 158 kg is not the same. At this time Brian is eating 12000 calories every day. But to fulfill his dream he has to increase his dosage further. According to Brian, as soon as his weight increases on the weighing machine, he gets an excitement. She has also created her own account on the adult site OnlyFans, where people subscribe to her account by paying money to see her belly. Brian goes to great lengths to please his loyal followers.

Started with 82 kg
Brian started his weight gain with a weight of 82. Since then he never looked back. Now his weight has become 158 kg. But Brian doesn’t want to stop now. Writer Brian’s dream by profession is to reduce his weight to 350 kg. Brian eats at least twelve thousand calories every day to make his dream come true. Along with this, its dosage increases to 15 thousand calories on weekends.

Active on adult site too

doesn’t do any work
In an interview given to the Daily Star, Brian told that he does not do any work to gain weight. All day long only eats and rests. He appreciates the love he is getting from people. Because of this, he will try to fulfill his target soon. That said, gaining weight is not easy. There has to be a lot of discipline for this. He has spent all his savings on food. His aim is to give his loyal followers even bigger belly. It has to be seen that when will this person complete his target.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, Weird news

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