Do Not Do These Four Things In Summer Otherwise You Will Fall Ill

Do Not Do These Four Things In Summer Otherwise You Will Fall Ill

Things To Avoid In Summer: The summer season has come. The heat remains at its peak in April, May and June. There is a danger of diseases in this season. During this, most of the problems related to stomach occur. Apart from this, when the temperature rises, the problem of mood swings and irritability increases. Hunger and thirst decreases. Actually there are some reasons behind the occurrence of all these problems. People make some such mistakes in their everyday life due to which their health goes down in summer. Let’s know what are the things that if we keep away then we will be able to keep turmeric, Ayurveda doctor and health coach Dr. Aishwarya Santosh has informed us about this.

avoid drinking chilled water

The biggest problem in the summer season is due to dehydration. If you do not stay hydrated properly, then your health can be affected badly. Try to drink two liters of water throughout the day. But keep in mind that you should not drink chilled water, it slows down digestion. The temperature inside the body changes. Due to this, instead of digesting food and absorbing nutrients to provide energy, the body spends energy to control its temperature. And if you come from heat and sun, then cool water completely. If you drink it, you may have neck pain and fever.

avoid drinking cold drinks

Some people do not like plain water, so they drink soda, cold drinks, packet juices to keep themselves hydrated. But this does not help, rather it becomes the cause of hydration due to which you become unwell. At the same time, they also harm the digestive system. Carbon dioxide present in soft drinks acts as a bleaching agent for the stomach, due to which the digestive enzymes produced in the stomach are affected. This causes the problem of bloating and bloating. does

Avoid eating fried, spicy food

Fried food is not good for health anyway and if you are eating it in summer then it can cause more harm. This affects your digestive system. It is difficult to digest it. Apart from this, eating spicy and hot food can increase pitta dosha in the body, due to which the temperature of the body increases and there are problems like excessive sweating, dehydration, pimples also appear on the face by eating too much oily food.

avoid alcohol consumption

Consumption of alcohol should be avoided in summer. Pitta dosha can be imbalanced by its use. Due to which there can be a problem of swelling. The body may become weak and the problem of heat and irritation may increase. Alcohol itself has a warming effect which increases the body temperature.

avoid heavy workouts

Intense workouts should be avoided in the summer season, because sweating is more in the summer season, and when you do heavy workouts continuously, it can lead to dehydration. In such a situation, do not distance yourself from exercise, do light exercise.

take care like this

  • Consume more fruits and vegetables
  • drink fresh fruit juice
  • have a light meal
  • get plenty of sleep
  • eat a balanced diet

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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