What Are The Main Cause Of Getting Fat Without Eating Oily Food And High Sweets In Hindi | For Morning

What Are The Main Cause Of Getting Fat Without Eating Oily Food And High Sweets In Hindi |  For Morning

Cause of getting fat: There are many reasons for obesity and two of the main reasons are eating fatty and oily food and not exercising. But apart from these two, there is another main reason, which increases obesity rapidly, but most people are not aware of it and this is the reason for waking up late at night. Now this question will come in your mind that how can obesity increase by staying up late at night, then you should know the reason here…

Does obesity increase even without eating oily food?

  • Your obesity can increase even without eating oily and packed food. Usually this happens when you stay awake late at night. Because when you stay awake late at night, the hormonal imbalance inside the body increases, due to which the body starts to bloat. If this condition continues continuously i.e. if you make it your routine to wake up late at night, then bloating develops as a habit of the body and you will always see your body hanging and heavy.
  • When you stay awake till late in the night, there is craving in the night or you also start feeling hungry. Late night snacks are usually unhealthy and when you go to sleep after eating them, digestion does not happen properly. Due to this, the problem of increasing fat on the stomach starts and within a few days your belly starts to appear differently.

Why does waking up at night lead to weight gain?

  • Getting a full 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night is not only necessary to stay healthy but is also necessary for repairing the body. It is also necessary to keep the biological clock in rhythm. When you wake up late at night, the secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin is inhibited. Due to this, the brain does not get rest and there is a problem in its functioning, due to which problems like stress, anxiety and depression start.
  • Due to lack of sleep, a hormone called cortisol is produced in excess in the body, this hormone increases laziness, negativity and obesity. Therefore, due to waking up late at night, obesity does not increase due to just one region, but there are many such reasons, which increase fat.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

Read also: Due to this one disease, women’s hair falls a lot… the braid becomes thinner continuously.

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