First married a ghost, then fed up with her husband’s tantrums, now she will seek divorce through exorcism!

First married a ghost, then fed up with her husband’s tantrums, now she will seek divorce through exorcism!

Woman Married to Ghost Now Wants to Leave It: The woman had married a ghost after falling in love with him, but within a year she has become so upset with her husband that she wants to leave him. Now there is a ghost, so where will he leave the chase so easily, in such a situation the woman has to resort to exorcisms and tantra-mantras.


You must have seen people falling in love with a person older or younger than you. You must have seen and heard someone falling in love with a person living in a different religion or country, but hardly have you seen or heard someone falling in love with a ghost. Something similar happened with a woman named Rocker Brocarde. She fell in love with a ghost and married him.


The ghost that Brocardo marries is named Eduardo. Brocardo says that he felt a strong connection with the ghost from the very first meeting and decided to marry her within a few months. However, now his marriage is suffering because the ghost does not understand its responsibility.


He suddenly comes to the bedroom late at night and leaves anytime. At first these things seemed fine, but still he is unable to understand that he is married and should change. It hasn’t even been a year since the woman married the ghost, but things are starting to get worse.


Brocarde has said that she has strange thoughts and now she wants to come out of this marriage. She also took the help of a marriage counselor but her ghost husband does not take all this seriously but is making her life hell. He scares her with different sounds.


Now she wants to get rid of the ghost by taking the help of exorcism from him and does not want to live with him like a wife even for a day. Although the woman claims that the ghost is not ready to leave her.


Brocarde, 38, claims that Eduardo himself was a soldier in the Victorian era. She says that she met her ghost husband last year, when he suddenly appeared in her bedroom. After this he started appearing in his bedroom every day and he fell in love with the ghost. After marriage, she also went to Wales for honeymoon. (All Photos Credit- Instagram/ Brocarde Began)

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