Penguin turns out to be the key to save the world, ‘Mahapralaya’ will be avoided by potty, only romantic life is coming in the way!

Penguin turns out to be the key to save the world, ‘Mahapralaya’ will be avoided by potty, only romantic life is coming in the way!

You must have seen a lot of pictures and videos of cute penguins. Penguins found in extremely cold regions look very cute. These black and white colored penguins look even more cute when they walk. But now experts have claimed that not only cuteness, these penguins are also very important from the point of view of saving the world. Yes, these little penguins can save the ending world from doomsday.

Scientists have recently issued a warning regarding penguins. He said that the earth could end because we do not have enough penguins to potty. Yes, the penguin’s potty is the key that can save the earth. According to scientists, the population of penguins is decreasing rapidly. Because of this, the problem of global warming has increased a lot. Penguins play a very important role in reducing this problem. Especially chinstrap penguins. They maintain the iron level of the sea. But this is not happening these days.

Decreasing population is a threat
According to scientists, penguins control the carbon emissions of the sea. But these days their interest in breeding has decreased. Because of this their number has reduced considerably. Compared to 1980, only half of the penguins are left on earth. According to the biologists of Spain’s Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia, the plankton found in the sea is very important. The higher its level, the better will be the marine wildlife. Iron is very important for plankton and this iron is given to it by penguins. But now due to their decreasing population iron deficiency is happening.

Important came out to save the world

Gives iron from potty
Penguins transport iron to these plants from their potty. Humans account for 30 percent of the carbon taken up by the ocean. Plankton also uses carbon only. For iron levels, experts decided to measure the amount of penguin poop with a drone. It was found that potty is now going into the sea in very small quantities. The reason for this is the lack of potty of penguins. Since, now penguins are less interested in making relationships, their number is not increasing. If there is a shortage of iron supplied by them, then it will become a threat to wildlife. In this way no one will be able to stop the holocaust of the world.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, OMG, Weird news

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