Why Is An Iron Ring Given To The Train Driver At The Station Know What Is The Token Exchange System Of Railway

Why Is An Iron Ring Given To The Train Driver At The Station Know What Is The Token Exchange System Of Railway

Token Exchange System: Indian Railways is rapidly moving towards modernity. Even today many techniques of the British era are being used in the railways. One of these is also the token exchange system. However, now this technology is slowly going to end. But, it is still used in railways in many parts of the country.

What is token exchange system?

To ensure the safe operation of the train, token exchange system technology was created during the British time. In earlier times there were no track circuits. Then the train used to reach its destination safely only through the token exchange system.

Significantly, earlier there used to be only single and small track in the railway. Trains coming from both sides used to run on this track. In such a situation, the token exchange system was the only means by which they did not collide with each other. Let’s know how…?

This is how this system works

The token is an iron ring. Which the station master gives to the loco pilot. When the loco pilot receives this token, it is a signal to him that the line is clear till the next station and you can proceed. On reaching the next station, the loco pilot deposits this token there and proceeds from there with another token.

Ball is put in nail ball machine

There is an iron ball in this iron ring. Which the railways call tablet in their own language. This ball is inserted into the ‘Nail Ball Machine’ installed at the station. Nail ball machines are installed at every station and they are related from one station to another. When the station master inserts the ball taken from the loco pilot into the machine, the route to the next station is declared clear.

What if the token doesn’t reach the next station…?

Suppose if the train stopped midway due to some reason and the ring i.e. token did not reach the station. In such a situation, the nail ball machine of the previous station will not be unlocked and the station master does not allow any train to go ahead.

Why is there an iron ring?

Many times the loco pilot has to exchange the token from the running train itself. In this situation, iron ring comes in handy. With its help, the loco pilot can easily exchange tokens even in a moving train. However, now mostly ‘track circuits’ are used.

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