Air Cooler Running All Day In Summer Affect Its Performance Check Details

Air Cooler Running All Day In Summer Affect Its Performance Check Details

Cooler Tips: The scorching summer has started. In such a situation, nothing can be said from outside, but everyone is making every possible effort to keep the house cool. One of the most common ways to cool a home is by running an air cooler or air conditioning unit throughout the day. However, doing so often begs the question whether running the unit throughout the day can affect its performance over time. Let us know the answer to this question in the news.

How does the cooler work?

First of all, it is important to understand how air coolers work. The cooler works by passing air over a cooling pad soaked in water. As the hot air passes over the pad, it cools down. The cooler then throws the cool air outside. Coolers are cheaper than air conditioning, their electricity bill also comes less than AC.

What will happen if the cooler is running all day?

Now, the question is whether running the air cooler all day in summers can affect its performance, the answer is yes, it can. When an air cooler is operated continuously, the cooling pads can be damaged by water and mineral deposits. This may reduce airflow, which in turn may affect the performance of the unit.

Apart from this, running the air cooler throughout the day can also increase the humidity level in your home. This can cause the air to feel more moist and sticky, making breathing less comfortable. Furthermore, an increase in the humidity level may also reduce the performance of the unit.

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should also keep in mind that

It is important to note that the performance of different types of air coolers varies. Some models are also designed to last, while many are not. If you want to use your air cooler all day long in summers, choose a model that can handle the workload.

Read this also – Which AC to buy? Which has excellent cooling and also saves on electricity bill!

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