Kalawa Rules Does Tying Kalawa Really Save A Person From Evil Forces Or Is It Just An Illusion

Kalawa Rules Does Tying Kalawa Really Save A Person From Evil Forces Or Is It Just An Illusion

Kalawa Rules: It is considered auspicious among Hindus to tie a red thread on the hand. People believe that a red thread saves a person from evil forces. But how much truth is there in this matter, today in this article we will tell you. Mostly, whether it is worship in someone’s house or Pandit ji in the temple, everyone whose hand is empty or the thread has become old, replaces it and ties a new kalava. So let’s tell you how much truth is there in the fact that red thread or Kalava protects from evil forces, or it is just your illusion.

Does tying Kalava really save a person from evil forces?

It has been said about Kalave that by tying it, the grace of Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh besides Lakshmi, Parvati and Saraswati remains. By tying Kalave, you always avoid the evil eye. By tying it, health is also blessed. There are many rules for tying Kalava. According to the scriptures, it has been said that girls who are not married should tie Kalava on their right hand. Also, whenever you tie Kalava, your other hand should be on your head.

Kalava also protects from diseases

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According to the scriptures, by tying Kalava, you do not fall sick easily. Kalava is also considered helpful in saving from serious diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, paralysis. You must have mostly seen that the color of Kalava is red. This happens because wearing red color on the wrist strengthens Mars in the horoscope. According to astrology, the auspicious color of Mars is red. That’s why tying Kalava is very auspicious for health as well.

What is the scientific reason for tying Kalava

Also, according to science, it is believed that the nerves that reach most of the body’s organs pass through the wrist. By tying kalava on the wrist, the activity of these nerves is controlled. Due to this compatibility of Vata, Pitta and Kapha is maintained. It is believed that by tying Kalava, it helps to protect against diseases like blood pressure, heart related diseases, diabetes and paralysis.

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