Uses And Importance Of Chicken Gun For Plane Interesting Facts About Airplane

Uses And Importance Of Chicken Gun For Plane Interesting Facts About Airplane

Chicken Gun: Generally, on hearing the name of chicken, the picture of some dish starts roaming in the mind of the people. But here we are not talking about eating chicken. Rather here we are going to talk about Chicken Gun. Perhaps you also do not know about this gun. Police or goons do not use this gun. So now the question is what is a chicken gun and why is this gun used?

Chicken gun is for airplane

Actually, chicken gun is used for testing of airplane engines. The engine is most essential for an aeroplane. This is the reason why an airplane has more than one engine. The biggest reason for having more than one engine is that if one engine stops working, then the other engine continues to work and there is no accident. Now the biggest problem is that when the airplane takes off and when it is going from the earth to the sky, in both cases some birds are attracted towards the engine of the airplane and directly collide with the fan of the engine. Because of this, the engine of the airplane gets damaged.

chicken gun needed

When the engineers were making the airplane engine, during that time the engineers wanted the engine to be tested. They wanted to test that if a bird hit the engine, there would be no damage to the engine, but they could not do this type of testing because to do this they had to throw a live bird towards the engine. Had to do so that bird would have been killed. This type of testing is neither allowed by bird lovers around the world nor is it allowed by the law. Chicken gun was invented to solve this problem.

use of chicken gun

Chicken gun was first invented in the year 1950. It is like a small cannon. Now you must be wondering why the gun used to test airplane engines is named Chicken Gun? Chicken means cock.. and in this gun dead chickens are put instead of bullets and fired. As soon as it is fired, the dead cock hits the engine of the airplane just like a live bird. In this way, the engine is tested that if a bird hits, the engine will not get damaged. Only after doing this test, the engine is installed in the aeroplane.

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