India Coronavirus Cases Is Ending 2109 New Cases Registered In Last 24 Hours Decline In Number Of Active Cases

India Coronavirus Cases Is Ending 2109 New Cases Registered In Last 24 Hours Decline In Number Of Active Cases

India Coronavirus Update: The pace of Corona has started slowing down in the country. In the last 24 hours, 2 thousand 109 new cases of corona have been registered. At the same time, the number of active cases has decreased from 22 thousand 742 to 21 thousand 406. Although today the number of new cases is more than yesterday.

According to the data released by the Union Health Ministry, during the last twenty-four hours, 8 people have lost their lives, after which the total figure of the dead has increased to five lakh 31 thousand 722.

8 people died in the last 24 hours

The ministry said that due to the death of eight people due to infection, the death toll has increased to 5,31,722. These eight people also include those people who have been included in the death toll by Kerala after the confirmation of death from Kovid-19.

The national rate of recovery from Corona…

According to the information released by the department, the number of patients under treatment is 21,406, which is 0.05 percent of the total infected. The national rate of recovery of patients from Kovid-19 has been recorded at 98.77 percent.

So many crore people have been cured from Corona

The ministry said that the number of people who have been cured of the disease has increased to 4,44,21,781 while the death rate from Kovid-19 is 1.18 percent. According to the ministry’s website, more than 220.66 crore doses of anti-Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in the country since the launch of the nationwide vaccination campaign.

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