The person did not come out of the house for 6 years, the rent was transferred through auto debit, the landlord was shocked when he came to meet!

The person did not come out of the house for 6 years, the rent was transferred through auto debit, the landlord was shocked when he came to meet!

Nowadays man has become very busy. He doesn’t have time for his loved ones. In such a situation, how are the landlords aware of how their tenants are? As long as the rent is coming in the account, he does not go to see the tenants. But after knowing the incident about which we are going to tell you today, your senses will fly away. In this case, a landlord who had gone to meet the tenant had frequent heart attacks. The case itself is something like this.

The matter has come to the fore from the UK. Here on March 9, the dead body of a pensioner living in Bolton Flats was found from his house. Dead Boy had turned into a skeleton. This means that the person had died years ago. But no one was aware of this. But recently when his landlord went there to check the gas supply connection of the house, he saw the pensioner’s skeleton.

Death happened in 2017
On seeing the skeleton, the landlord informed the police about it. The tenant’s name was Robert Alto. He died in May 2017. This was inferred by looking at his body. Although its investigation is still going on. According to his landlord, the flat in which Robert lived was owned by the housing company Bolton. There are eighteen thousand flats inside it. In one of these, Robert lived on rent.

Open secret from gas connection
According to The Manchester Evening News reports, when the landlord of that flat went to check the gas connection, he found the skeleton. According to the landlord, he was getting rent continuously for the last 6 years. Because of this there was no doubt. However, many people living nearby told that they had not seen Robert for 6 years. The police have taken the skeleton in their custody. Now after investigation it will be confirmed that when did Robert actually die?

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, Weird news

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