Shani Jayanti 2023 Shani Shingnapur The Village With No Locks Or Doors Know Facts

Shani Jayanti 2023 Shani Shingnapur The Village With No Locks Or Doors Know Facts

Shani Dev: Shani Jayanti will be celebrated tomorrow i.e. on 19th May. Shani Dev is pleased with the special worship done on this day and showers his blessings. On the occasion of Shani Jayanti, let us know about Shani Shingnapur, the special temple of Shani Dev. It is believed that Shani Dev was born here. Shani Shingnapur is a village located in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, which is famous for its Shani Devta temple. This place is known for its many specialties.

The special thing about Shani Shingnapur

Shani Shingnapur is famous for the temple of Shani Dev but this place has another specialty. Even today, doors are not installed in the houses. There is no door in any house in this village. Surprisingly, there are no thefts here either. Apart from this, there is no wardrobe in people’s homes. People here do not use any kind of locks.

Shani Dev himself protects

The people of Shani Shingnapur believe that Shani Dev himself protects this village and he himself does not need any kind of protection. It is believed that Shani Dev himself keeps an eye on every house here, so there is no theft of any kind here. Even if someone steals, Shani Dev himself punishes him. Here people who do wrong things get scared just by the name of Shani Dev.

Not only in the houses of Shani Shingnapur, but also in the shops, there are no locks. People here use bags and boxes to keep their valuables like jewelry, clothes, money etc. Here the door is covered with bamboo only for protection from animals and birds. There are houses made of brick-stone and cement but still there are no locks in the doors.

Freedom from Saturn’s wrath

It is a belief that those who are suffering from Shani’s wrath such as Shani’s Dhaiya or Sade Sati, they must visit Shani Shingnapur temple on Shani Jayanti. Coming here, just by seeing Shani, all the faults get removed. By coming here and worshiping Shani Dev in a proper way, all the troubles go away.

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