Do adopted children also get full rights? Very few people know this one rule.

Do adopted children also get full rights?  Very few people know this one rule.

When a child is adopted, the thought often comes to mind that what will be its rights? Will an adopted child have the same rights as a biological child? This is a big question for any parent or for a child who has been adopted. Recently, the Karnataka High Court has also given a decision on this. Today, in this article, we will give you the answers to these questions.

What are the rights of an adopted child

When you adopt a child completely Adoption is adopted by completing the legal process, then he is given all the rights that a biological child has. Along with this, if the real parents of the child want to gift their property to the adopted child, they can do so. The Karnataka High Court had also made a similar comment. The High Court had said that if any discrimination is done to an adopted child, it would be a violation of Article 14 of the Constitution.

What did the Karnataka High Court say?

Karnataka High Court while ruling in a case said that an adopted child will have the same rights as a biological child. That is, he will get the same rights in the property and on the basis of compassion, he will also be given a job in place of his parents. The High Court gave this decision on a petition filed against the Prosecution Department, in which the petitioner had alleged that the Prosecution Department had refused to give a job to his adopted child saying that he was not his biological son.< /p>

How to adopt a child

The legal process for adopting a child in India is extremely complex. If you want to adopt a child, then it takes about 2 to 5 years to complete the legal process. However, in September 2022, the Supreme Court issued an order saying that instead of the local court, the district magistrate can also order a couple to adopt a child. 

Who can adopt a child

Some rules have been made for adopting a child in India, only after following which you can adopt a child. If you want to adopt a child, then it is not necessary that you should be married. With this, your marriage should be at least 2 years old. The adoptive parents should not have any pre-existing life threatening disease.

Both the mother and the father should consent to the adoption of the child. If you want to be a single parent and you are a male, then you can adopt only a son. On the other hand, if you want to become a female single parent, then you can adopt either a boy or a girl. Your financial condition should be right when you are adopting a child.

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