Story When Lord Vishnu Ran Barefoot To Save Elephant Gajraj From Crocodile Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay

Story When Lord Vishnu Ran Barefoot To Save Elephant Gajraj From Crocodile Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay

Story of Gajendra Moksha: Lord Vishnu loves his devotees infinitely. An example of this is also found in the story of Shrimad Bhagwat Purana. In this story, it was told how Vishnu ji ran barefoot to save the life of an elephant who was in dire trouble. What is this story and what does it mean? Let’s know-

Story of Gajendra Moksha
It occurred a long time ago. There was a mountain named Trikut in Kshirsagar. A family of elephants used to live here. Whose head was Gajraj Gajendra. Gajraj Gajendra and his family were roaming like everyday, then everyone felt thirsty. Along with other family members, Gajraj started drinking water in a lake. But then a mighty crocodile caught hold of Gajraj’s leg and started pulling him under water.

Gajraj used all his might to escape from the crocodile, but the crocodile started to overpower him. The crocodile held his leg tightly. Now Gajraj started screaming in pain. Hearing the screams of Gajendra, other elephants also started shouting. All the family members together tried to save Gajraj but all failed. When Gajraj got tired and saw his time coming near, he remembered Lord Vishnu, Gajraj was the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu.

Used to worship him everyday. Seeing death approaching, he closed his eyes and started remembering the Lord. He did not leave the company of God in severe pain. His eyes filled with pain. He started calling the Lord. The call of the devotee started hitting the ears of Vishnu. Lord closed his eyes for a moment, after that Lord lost even a moment, riding barefoot on Garuda ran to save Gajendra and killed the crocodile with his Surdashan Chakra.

What is the lesson learned from the story? (moral of the story in hindi)
It is learned from this story that when someone asks for help in pain, then one should not care about the time, situation, position, one should help the victim. Through this story, God gives the message that when someone who is your lover, well wisher, beloved is in distress, he should be helped immediately.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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