Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Know Next Birth Secret Of Every Mystery

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Know Next Birth Secret Of Every Mystery

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Garuda Purana, belonging to the Vaishnava sect and one of the 18 Mahapuranas of Hinduism, has given importance to the work done by a person. Because the fruits of karma are not only available in life but also after life. According to Garuda Purana, the secret of what you will become in the next birth is also hidden in your actions.

cycle of 84 lakh births

84 lakh vaginas have been mentioned in the religious scriptures. 84 lakh species means different types of living beings found in the universe. These are divided into two parts Yojin and organized form. At the same time, the animals have been classified into three parts, terrestrial, aquatic and aquatic.

Out of 84 lakh yonis, there are 9 lakh aquatics, 20 lakh trees and plants, 11 lakh insects, 10 lakh birds, 30 lakh animals and 4 lakh gods-demons-humans. In this, the human vagina is considered to be the best. A person who does virtue and good deeds is born in a human form.

Know the secret of next birth on the basis of karma

  • According to Garuda Purana, those who exploit women. They keep suffering from serious diseases in the next birth.
  • Such people who make unnatural relations become impotent in the next birth.
  • It is told in Garuda Purana that, those who earn profit by deceit, fraud, lying and cheating throughout their life, their next birth is in the form of an owl.
  • Those who persecute animals, those who feed their families by hunting animals and those who indulge in looting have their next birth as an animal and such people die at the hands of a butcher.
  • Such people who give or get false testimony are born blind in the next life.
  • Those who torture their parents or hurt their brothers and sisters, they cannot take birth at all. Means such people do not come on earth but they die in the womb itself.
  • Those who insult teachers, brahmins or learned people get hell after death and such people are born as Brahmarakshas in the waterless forest in the next life.
  • According to Garuda Purana, those who kill a woman, abort or cause an abortion or kill a cow are born as fools and hunchbacks in the next life.
  • It has been told in Garuda Purana that, those who give up their lives by chanting the name of God at the last moment of death, get the path of salvation. This is the reason why it has been said in the scriptures to take the name of ‘Ram’ at the time of death.

read this also: Garuda Purana: What happens to the soul after death? All the answers will be found in these 15 points

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that Does not represent, validate or verify information of any kind. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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