Usually, you feel happy when money comes into your account from someone. But if money comes into your account from an unknown person, should you use that money or should you not use the money? Because usually when someone sends money to your account by mistake. So on this you are happy that you got money for free. But when this happens to you, you should do these things first.
What to do if the money comes into your account?
If your If someone accidentally sends money to your account, then the first thing to do is Contact your bank as soon as possible to report the mistake. Then after this, the money and reference number, date and amount of money received in the account. Give all those details to the bank. Because banks have suitable systems to investigate such incidents. They have set protocols for the entire arrangement for this. With which they can check it properly. The bank can easily investigate internally where the money came from. Even if the bank takes time to inform you about it, you should still wait for the bank to complete the process so that you can get the right solution.
What can be the consequences
First of all, the person in whose account the money has come should not use the money. Because if he uses it, he may have to repay this money later. So it is better that first he leaves the money in his account and does not use it. Because if you use the money then you may face problems. Because when money is transferred to your account by a wrong person and if you do not return the money to him, your account can be frozen.
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