This special sweet is prepared by pounding it with a hammer, it is the king of the world of taste, see the recipe in VIDEO.

This special sweet is prepared by pounding it with a hammer, it is the king of the world of taste, see the recipe in VIDEO.

Mohit Sharma/Karauli. There is a special taste made in the winter season which every person is interested in eating. But do you know how Gajak, a winter sweet made from sesame seeds and jaggery, is prepared? If you do not know, then today Local 18 will tell you through a video how the special sweet of winter season, Gajak, sesame seeds and jaggery is prepared. Apart from what is put in this Gajak, how is it made crispy and brown and what method do the ancestral artisans who make Gajak adopt to double its taste.

Jabbar Bhai, the ancestral artisan of Gajak, tells that to make Gajak, syrup is first made from a mixture of sugar and jaggery. After being properly prepared, this syrup is dried on a stone and then a part of the entire syrup is made, hung on a nail and pulled hundreds of times with hands. After the sugar syrup is thoroughly strained, it is then cut into pieces and those pieces are then put in the pan and cooked on low flame along with the sesame seeds. Then after grinding it well for hours, Gajak is ready.

These things are taken utmost care for taste
At the same time, Jabbar Bhai also says that many precautions are taken while making Gajak, the most important of which is to protect the hands and feet from hot syrup. Because after boiling in fire for hours, its syrup becomes very hot. It takes at least one and a half to 2 hours to make one cube of this syrup. According to Jabbar Bhai, the ancestral artisan of Gajak, to make the taste of the special winter sweet Gajak even better, along with making a good amount of jaggery and sesame seeds, it is mostly crushed with a wooden hammer. Only then this Gajak becomes crispy and tasty.

Gajak becomes crispy only after the sesame seeds crackle.
To make this Gajak, it is pounded for hours because the Gajak becomes crispy when pounded with a hammer. Only after proper grinding, sesame seeds and jaggery get mixed properly and as soon as the sesame seeds split after mixing, the Gajak becomes very soft. Whereas Jabbar Bhai says that special care is taken in grinding it to make Gajak, if it is not crushed properly then it becomes tight and does not taste good at all. Therefore, while making Gajak, utmost care is taken in grinding the Gajak.

Tags: food, food 18, Local18, Street Food

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