4 year old child created a scandal, gifted 20 tola gold to his classmate! Parents were shocked to know

4 year old child created a scandal, gifted 20 tola gold to his classmate!  Parents were shocked to know

You must have heard many stories of children’s friendship and it is a lot of fun to listen to them. If you keep listening and watching their cute actions and innocent talks throughout the day, you will not get bored. However, if the child does something unexpected, you may suffer a big loss. Something similar happened in a family from the neighboring country China.

You can expect pencils and chocolates as gifts from KG and nursery children. At most he can give one of his expensive toys to someone. However, the story of the Kandi child whose story we will tell you today, gifted the property of the house to his classmate. You will not be able to stop laughing after hearing the reason behind this.

Gave engagement gift to friend
According to the report of South China Morning Post, this is the case of Sichuan province of China. Here, a child studying in a kindergarten liked one of his classmates so much that he started seeing a long future with her. Although the age of the children would have been around 4-5 years, but to prove his commitment, the boy took two gold biscuits of 100 grams each from home and gifted them to the girl. When the girl reached home with it and showed it to her parents, they were stunned.

The boy’s parents were shocked
It was better that the girl’s parents contacted the boy’s parents and told them the whole story. The boy’s parents say that they had told their son that the gold bars were kept for his future wife. However, they did not expect at all that the child would be given away to some girl without informing them. This incident is becoming very viral on social media. However, as interesting as this is, it is equally cautionary.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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