Fengshui Tips Laughing Buddha Brings Happiness In House Know These Rules Before Keeping It

Fengshui Tips Laughing Buddha Brings Happiness In House Know These Rules Before Keeping It

Feng Shui Laughing Buddha: There are many things mentioned in Feng Shui that bring happiness, peace and prosperity in life. Keeping Feng Shui items in the house brings positivity. Keeping Laughing Buddha at home brings good luck in life. Laughing Buddha is very famous in Feng Shui. Keeping Laughing Buddha in the house removes negativity, strengthens the financial condition of the house and brings success in every work. Keeping it in the house brings happiness. However, there are some special rules for keeping Laughing Buddha at home. Let us know about these rules.

Rules for keeping Laughing Buddha at home

    • While installing the statue of Laughing Buddha, keep in mind that it should be placed right in front of the main entrance. While installing it, keep in mind that its height should be more than 30 inches and less than 32.5 inches. According to Feng Shui scriptures, the statue of Laughing Buddha should have at least eight fingers. The face of the Laughing Buddha statue should be towards the main door such that as soon as the door opens, the Laughing Buddha statue should be visible first.

  • The statue of Laughing Buddha should not be kept in the kitchen, dining room or bedroom. This has a negative impact on the members of the house. Place colorful flowers around the Laughing Buddha. These are symbols of happiness. Keeping these keeps the house joyful.
  • Laughing Buddha should never be bought with your own money. According to Feng Shui scriptures, a Laughing Buddha purchased with one’s own money does not give special results. It is very auspicious if you get Laughing Buddha as a gift. According to Feng Shui, Laughing Buddha received as a gift brings happiness, prosperity and prosperity to the house. This strengthens the economic situation.
  • Laughing Buddha should never be kept in a place where there is an atmosphere of discord and unrest. Buddha should always be kept in an atmosphere of meditation and peace. This maintains positive energy in the house.

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