OpenAIs App Store For GPTs Will Launch Next Week

OpenAIs App Store For GPTs Will Launch Next Week

OpenAI GPTs Store: Open AI had said in its DevDay event last year that the company will soon open a GPTs store. For those who don’t know what GPTs store is, actually this store will have different chatbots made of GPT-4 which people will be able to use for their work. For example, if you want information related to cooking, then you will be able to download and use specific cooking related chatbots from this store. As the popularity of the chatbot increases, the company will also share money with the developers. The company had said this in its event.

Currently, the company has shared an email update in which Open AI said that GPTs will be available in the store from next week. Developers who want to list their GPT models on the store will have to follow the company’s terms and conditions and make their models open for everyone to use. Note, these chatbot models made with GPT-4 will keep your data completely safe and developers will not be able to see this data.

It is very easy to make GPTs

You do not need any kind of coding to create your own chatbot. All you need to do is train your chatbot on that topic with the help of GPT builder and feed the data. You can do this work easily with Open AI’s GPT-4. GPT Builder can only be accessed by those who are subscribed to Chat GPT Plus. That means it is not available in the free version. The subscription of Chat GPT Plus in India is 20 dollars per month, which means you will have to spend approximately Rs 1665 to create GPTs.

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