Gaya News: Bhairav ​​(dog) Has Been Circling Shiva Temple For Three Days; Crowd Of Devotees Gathered, Bihar – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Gaya News: Bhairav ​​(dog) Has Been Circling Shiva Temple For Three Days;  Crowd Of Devotees Gathered, Bihar – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Bhairav ​​circling the Shiva temple.
– Photo: Amar Ujala


The devotees arriving here as well as the priests and their family members are astonished to see the amazing work of Bhairava in the Adishakti Peeth Maa Mangalagauri temple situated on the Bhasmakut mountain in the southern region of Gaya. People have been seeing a Bhairav ​​(a black dog is called Bhairav ​​in Sanatan) circling the Lord Mangleshwar Mahadev temple located in the temple premises continuously for the last three days.

The crowd starts reducing and the parikrama of Bhairavnath ji starts.

This sadhana of Bhairav ​​continued continuously on Friday also. Like common devotees, Bhairavnath is also seen circling Lord Shiva. Temple priest Pramod Giri told that when the crowd of devotees increases, Bhairav ​​goes aside. As soon as the crowd starts decreasing, the parikrama of Bhairavnath ji starts.

Bhairavnath ji sits and rests for some time in the temple premises.

Priest Pramod Giri told that when Bhairav ​​ji gets tired during parikrama, he sits in the temple premises and rests for some time. Then they start circling them. Everyone is linking this amazing power of Bhairav ​​ji with his faith in Lord Shiva.

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