Know Why Bone Became Weak Before Age Know Its Symptoms And How To Make Bones Healthy

Know Why Bone Became Weak Before Age Know Its Symptoms And How To Make Bones Healthy

Weak Bones: Bones health is very important to keep the body strong and stable. If seen, bones are the real strength of our body, but bones remain strong only for a certain age. With increasing age, bones start wearing out and becoming weak. But in today’s lifestyle, people’s bones are becoming weak and wearing out before age. In such a situation, cases of bone and joint related problems like osteoporosis are increasing rapidly. According to the American Orthopedic Association, due to wrong lifestyle, unbalanced diet and reduced physical activities, nowadays cases of bone weakness and osteoporosis are being seen in people below 35 years of age. Let us know why bones become weak, what are the symptoms of their weakening and also what should be done to strengthen the bones.

This is why bones become weak

Doctors say that wrong lifestyle, diet and lack of exercise have become the major reasons for weakening of bones these days. At an early age, bones become weak due to injuries, slips, lack of blood and calcium, less exposure to sunlight and wrong diet. In this condition, pain persists in bones and joints and there is difficulty in walking and movement. Due to weakening of bones, height starts appearing short. Actually, this happens when the vertebrae of the spinal cord start shrinking and a hump is formed on the upper part of the spinal cord. Many times weak bones start becoming brittle, which increases the risk of their breaking again and again. During menopause in women, bones also start becoming weak due to less estrogen in the body.

These things should be kept in mind

If we want to prevent premature weakening of bones then it is important to keep many things in mind. It is important to add calcium rich foods to the diet. Let us tell you that people between the age of 20 to 50 years are required to take 1000 grams of calcium rich food in their daily diet. People who already have osteoporosis should take a diet containing 1200 grams of calcium daily. Calcium rich diet includes milk, curd, buttermilk and cheese. Apart from this, soybean, broccoli, tofu and figs are also good sources of calcium. Apart from this, exposure to sunlight is also necessary to overcome the deficiency of Vitamin D. For this, one must spend some time in the sun every day. Along with milk and curd, mushrooms, legumes, eggs, fish can also be consumed. By adding green leafy vegetables to your diet, you can follow a balanced diet which can strengthen your bones.

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