Why is H written on the helipad, why do helicopters land only here? Hardly know the reason

Why is H written on the helipad, why do helicopters land only here?  Hardly know the reason

You must have seen helicopters in real life. This design is very different compared to planes because there is a big fan on top of them, in such a situation they have to be landed in an open place only, so that the fans do not collide with the surrounding things. You must have noticed that helicopters are landed only at a particular place which is called Helipad (Why H written on Helipad). Have you ever had this question in your mind that why is H written on the helipad and why helicopters land only on this?

Under the News18 Hindi series Ajab-Gajab Gyan, we bring for you such surprising information related to the country and the world about which hardly people would know. Today we will talk about helicopter and helipad (Why Helicopter lands on Helipad). Actually, someone on the social media platform Quora asked why H is written on the helipad and why a helipad is necessary for helicopter landing.

Helicopters are landed only on helipads. (Photo: Canva)

Why are helipads necessary?
At first glance it will seem natural to you that the place where a helicopter lands is called a helipad, which is written in English as Helipad. That H is written for this reason because the name of that place itself is Helipad. But the reason for this is not just that. On one hand, it is completely true that the name of that place is a helipad, hence it is written as H, but on the other hand, it is also worth noting that by writing H on any land, it cannot be made a helipad.

This is the real reason for writing H
According to the report of Heliwagen, a pilot sitting in a helicopter flying from a very high altitude cannot guess by looking at the ground which land is flat and which is rough. This problem occurs most when helicopters are landed on hilly areas. A helicopter needs a flat ground to land because if it is not so, then if it turns crooked, its fans may hit the surrounding stones or rough ground and a major accident may occur. By writing H it is indicated that the place is completely flat and suitable for landing helicopters. Often the H of helipad is written in yellow or white color so that it is visible from a distance. This H also shows how the helicopter should face while landing, so that the landing takes place without any accident. These also prove to be helpful in air traffic control, they are such that the helicopters passing around the H do not come in each other’s path, this makes landing and takeoff easier.

Tags: Amazing news, OMG News, trending news, Weird news

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