Interesting: Not only the food but also the utensils are tasty and nutritious, eat them along with the food!

Interesting: Not only the food but also the utensils are tasty and nutritious, eat them along with the food!

Report- Rahul Dave
Indore, We eat food and then leave the utensils for washing. If you are told that with food eat the utensil too Then you will be shocked. But the same is happening in Indore. Here utensils are also being used along with food. Forget about the harm, there are only benefits from eating them. These are very nutritious. These innovations are the most popular in a country famous for its food. clean city indore It’s happening in. Eating utensils are being made here. First eat food in utensils and then eat the utensils also. These utensils are being made from millets i.e. coarse grains.

The students of State Institute of Hotel Management Indore have prepared these. Bowls, spoons and small plates have been prepared by mixing jaggery and salt in ragi and urad dal flour. Madhya Pradesh Tourism Development Board runs this institute. In lab tests, these utensils have been found to be completely safe to eat and of good quality. But the only condition is that these utensils have to be used within a month.

These utensils will be available in Tourism Festival 2024
These utensils prepared from Ragi flour will be displayed for the first time in the tourism mega festival 2024 to be held in Delhi in the coming days. The Tourism Development Board is considering using these utensils for serving food in all its hotels.

These utensils are nutritious
Ragi flour has special importance among coarse grains. Ragi flour is rich in iron, fiber and other nutrients. After serving food in utensils made of ragi flour, you can also eat these utensils, which are completely nutritious and pure. Eating this vessel will taste salty as well as sweet.

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That’s why this innovation was done
The United Nations Federation had declared the year 2023 as the Year of Millets to promote millets. Ragi is also included in coarse grains. However, its use in homes has reduced considerably. This innovation was done to make it reach every home again. Ragi utensils not only make you healthy, they are also safe for the environment.

safe and healthy
Food testing of these utensils was done in the lab. No additive of any kind was used in it. It turned out to be completely safe from bacterial, fungal and micro-organisms. It is completely safe and healthy for animals also.

This is how these utensils are prepared
Ragi flour and urad dal were used in making these utensils. It is coated with equal quantity of ragi and urad flour and then molded and baked in the oven. All types of food items, hot, cold, solid and liquid, will be served in these utensils. Later you can eat these also.

Tags: Food Recipe, Indore news, Lifestyle, Local18

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