This ‘magical’ mirror is a unique miracle of AI, it predicts health by looking at your face, can tell when you will die!

This ‘magical’ mirror is a unique miracle of AI, it predicts health by looking at your face, can tell when you will die!

Anura MagicMirror: Work is being done at a very fast pace in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Now an AI mirror has come, whose name is ‘Anura Magic Mirror’. This mirror is very amazing, because it can predict your health just by looking at your face. Also, if it thinks that you are about to die, it can also warn you, so it would not be wrong to say that this mirror is really another unique miracle of AI.

The Anura MagicMirror is a 21.5-inch tablet-mirror hybrid that uses AI to analyze blood flow in the face to provide data on people’s health, reports DailyMail. This device can predict the risk of heart disease (heart attack, blood pressure), age and mental stress based on the skin.

Watch here – Anura Magic Mirror Video

You will be surprised to know that this mirror tracks more than 100 health parameters just by scanning your face, ranging from high blood pressure to fever symptoms, depression or mental health risk, 10-year stroke risk, pulse rate, Includes respiratory information, diabetes, facial skin age etc. But if it thinks you are about to die, it can also warn you.

In a statement to, a NuraLogix spokesperson said: ‘While Anura MagicMirror certainly detects potential future health risks, it does not provide any certainty that you will have these problems. .’

Anura MagicMirror is an AI based device, which is a combination of affective computing and artificial intelligence. It uses a powerful internal optical sensor to collect data for cloud-based algorithms to analyze health data. Anura MagicMirror was launched by technology brand NuraLogix at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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