Why is it said that the first three months are very special for pregnant women?

Why is it said that the first three months are very special for pregnant women?

The first three months of pregnancy are very important for a woman. During these months, many changes take place in her body and the child also develops rapidly. First of all, during this period, the main organs like heart, brain and spinal cord start forming in the fetus. These organs are very important for the child. Second, there is a higher risk of miscarriage or other problems at this time. Therefore, a woman has to take special care. Third change, a lot of fluctuations start taking place in the woman’s body and hormones. She may experience frequent vomiting or dizziness and feel tired. Therefore, women are asked to take special care in the first three months. Let’s know how? 

Healthy food 
Healthy food becomes very important during pregnancy. It is beneficial for both mother and child. Pregnant women should take a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, healthy grains and protein every day. These are rich in all the nutrients which are essential for the development of the child. Apart from this, drinking water is also very important as it keeps the body hydrated. Avoid eating sweet, fried and junk food. Because it can cause obesity and other problems. 

One should get adequate sleep
It becomes very important to get adequate sleep during pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, her body is going through a lot of changes. New tissues and organs are being formed. In such a situation, the body needs rest so that these new changes can happen easily. If you do not get enough sleep, you may gain weight, have blood pressure problems and may even have muscle pain. Therefore, doctors recommend that women should take 8-10 hours of sleep daily during pregnancy. This will be beneficial for the health of both mother and child. 

Stress should be avoided
It is very important for women to avoid stress during pregnancy. Both body and mind are under great influence, in such a situation full of stress can be harmful for the child. If the mother remains under stress again and again, it has a direct impact on the growth and development of the child. Sometimes problems like miscarriage or weight loss before the birth of the child can also occur. 

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