Learn from the doctor the right way to eat almonds, this is how you will get benefits, when and how much to eat almonds

Learn from the doctor the right way to eat almonds, this is how you will get benefits, when and how much to eat almonds

Lakheshwar Yadav/Janjgir Champa:- Eating almonds supplies many nutrients to the body. That’s why almonds are also called a treasure of nutrients. It contains abundant amounts of fiber, protein, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, good cholesterol and many other nutrients. Almond helps in strengthening bones and immunity. Along with this, almond proves to be very beneficial in keeping the heart strong and removing digestive problems. People eat almonds, but due to not knowing the correct method, they are not able to get its benefits. Many people remain confused whether to eat almonds after peeling them or without peeling them. While talking about this, the Ayurveda doctor of Janjgir District Hospital has given very important information, so that almonds can be included in your body.

Eating almonds will benefit the body
Ayurvedic doctor Phanindra Bhushan Diwan of Janjgir District Hospital said that almonds are rich in many nutrients. It is also called nuts, which is rich in protein. By eating this the body gets a lot of energy. He told that it contains a special type of cholesterol, which is called HDL or good cholesterol. This strengthens the heart and due to the abundance of protein the muscles become strong. Fibers are also present in almonds, which are beneficial for the digestive power of the body.

Note:- This tree is a treasure of health, effective in sugar, leaves bring glow to the face, itching goes away, constipation stays away.

Consume almonds like this
Phanindra Bhushan Diwan told that 5 to 10 almonds should be soaked in water at night and the peel should be eaten in the morning. He told that if you are going to the gym, doing body building or even doing physical work, then the number of almonds eaten should be 15 to 20. The doctor told that you can eat almonds throughout the year. But the digestive power of the human body is good in cold, hence a person should eat as much almonds as possible during cold, due to this the body absorbs all the protein of almonds immediately.

Tags: Chhattisgarh news, food, Local18, Winter

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