Traffic Challan: Cameras equipped with AI are going to be installed on the roads, those who break traffic rules will be in trouble again

Traffic Challan: Cameras equipped with AI are going to be installed on the roads, those who break traffic rules will be in trouble again

There are many rules for driving on the road, every country has different traffic rules which everyone has to follow. Even in India, challan is issued for breaking traffic rules and in many cases even the license and the vehicle are confiscated. In the last few years, technology has helped a lot in catching traffic violators. People who flout all traffic rules in the absence of police are being identified with the help of cameras. Every year lakhs of challans are issued due to red light and road cameras. Now technology is going to move one step further and cameras are being equipped with Artificial Intelligence. Due to which the chance of anyone’s survival would be almost nil. 

How do cameras make challans?
Data for the year 2022 shows that 60 lakh challans were made in Delhi, most of which were done with the help of cameras. Every day about 16 thousand people broke traffic rules. Cameras have now been installed on almost all roads in Delhi and NCR, high resolution cameras are also installed at many red lights. When anyone breaks any traffic rule, these cameras take his picture and it is sent directly to the control room. After this, the employees sitting in the control room issue challan to the person who breaks the traffic rules. This is the reason why you get a challan message a few hours after breaking a red light or riding without a helmet.

What will be the changes after AI?
Soon the cameras installed on the roads in Delhi will be equipped with AI, but before that this technology is already working in the cameras in Bengaluru and Kerala. In the coming few months, these AI equipped cameras will be installed on the streets of Delhi. The most important thing is that 19 types of challans can be deducted with one such camera. That means you will have to pay fine for any kind of traffic violation. If you break a traffic rule once, then complete information about your vehicle will be taken out, the control room will also be told whether you have pollution or insurance or not. If you have not done this then you may be challaned for this also. 

There will be no over speeding
Overall, violation of rules is going to cost you a lot. Now let us tell you another special thing about this AI camera. You cannot avoid over speeding under any circumstances. Earlier you used to reduce your speed as soon as you saw the camera and after that you used to talk to the air again, but AI will also catch this trick of yours. Your average speed between two points will be calculated and if you have driven faster than the prescribed speed, you will be challaned.

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